How conclusive are DNA tests?
It is important to ensure the correct people take part in the DNA test as we can only provide results based upon the samples which we receive. A paternity DNA test would give the most conclusive results, but this can only be carried out if we can obtain DNA samples from the alleged father. In…
Read MoreHow long do our DNA tests take?
All quoted days are in working days. A working day is classed as Monday to Friday – we do not operate on weekends or Bank Holidays. The day we receive your properly consented samples is Day 0 and this is when your quoted turnaround will begin. Paternity Test Results Delivery: Next Day = results will…
Read MoreWhat is Parental Responsibility (PR)?
Parental Responsibility (PR) means that the person concerned has all of the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority that a parent of a child has by law (as defined in the Children Act 1989). The mother shall automatically have PR over a child. An alleged father will not be able to claim PR unless he…
Read MoreDo you need a DNA sample from the mother?
Our paternity DNA tests are most conclusive if we can test all three of the child, mother and alleged father. A test without a sample from the mother will not provide the same degree of certainty as a test with samples from both parents. If and alleged father is not available for testing, then tests…
Read MoreHow are donors identified during sampling?
As this is a personal information at-home DNA test, you must be sure of the identity of the persons participating and we expect you to warrant those identities. There is no requirement for any donor to provide proof of identity to us. We shall report based on the samples which we have received. You should…
Read MoreWhat happens if I do not take the sample properly?
With self-sampling, on rare occasions we are unable to obtain a complete DNA profile, or there may be issues with contamination/mixed profiles caused at the point of your home-sampling. . The actions we will take are as follows: 1) Discoloured swabs or mouldy swabs (due to the long time taken to return them to us,…
Read MoreHow will I receive my DNA test results?
Your Test Report will be uploaded as a .pdf onto our secure website. You may access this with the password created upon ordering and the user-name provided by email to the ordering party only. A hard copy of the report can be posted to the ordering party only for an extra £10 payable upon ordering…
Read MoreHow long do you store my information and will you share my data with anybody?
In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and our GDPR Policy, all information, including the results and DNA profiles are kept for 12 months following reporting stage and then securely destroyed. After we have sent out your DNA test reports, we will store your physical DNA samples for three months and after this period,…
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