How will I receive my DNA test results?


How will I receive my DNA test results?

Our answer:

Your Test Report will be uploaded as a .pdf onto our secure website.  You may access this with the password created upon ordering and the user-name provided by email to the ordering party only.

A hard copy of the report can be posted to the ordering party only for an extra £10 payable upon ordering at the checkout. Any further copies of the report such as by e-mail may be chargeable.

We shall only correspond with the person who has ordered the DNA test (the ordering party), unless we receive their written permission to enter into correspondence with those other parties involved in the paternity testing case. We will only discuss the case if we are confident we are talking to the ordering party. Please expect that we will ask you for your case number and certain other details of the case.

Once the results of the test have been issued to the ordering party, we can then discuss the results  with any of the test participants over the age of 16 years and the person who signed for Parental Responsibility of a child under 16 years. Please expect that we may ask for evidence of identification before any discussions about the test.

Once the result has been issued to the ordering party, test participants over the age of 16 years or the person who signed for Parental Responsibility of a child under 16 years are entitled to their own copy of the report. This will be issued to this person once a security check has been completed

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