Larger portions contribute to obesity crisis
Published on 20 Sep
The obesity crisis in the UK is becoming of great concern as the UK has the highest level of obesity in Western Europe, with 1 in 4 British adults being classed as obese.
One contributing factor to the obesity crisis is the encouragement of unhealthy foods and larger portions by businesses in the food industry.
This is a marketing ploy used by supermarkets, restaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops, not at the request of the customer, but as a tactic to help increase sales and profit.
Up-selling offers such as larger coffees, bigger meal size and extra sides are experienced by 78% of people a week, according to a poll carried out by the Royal Society for Public Health and Slimming World [1].
This research has shown that up-selling marketing strategies from businesses in the food industry could cause the public to consume an extra 17 000 calories a year, which is the equivalent to gaining an extra 5lbs in 12 months.
Health experts have suggested that businesses need to stop including up-selling techniques in training of staff and should encourage the selling of healthy alternatives.
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