Personal Information (peace of mind) DNA Tests versus “Legal” DNA Tests


Personal Information (peace of mind) DNA Tests versus “Legal” DNA Tests

Our answer:

We are often asked about the difference between the two types of human relationship DNA test, personal information (peace of mind) and “legal”:

Using the personal information tests, the ordering party will receive our DNA sampling kit, ensure the consent form has been signed appropriately and take the check samples (it is a simple cotton bud on the inside of the mouth, just rubbed around the cheek and each person can do their own or ideally an adult in the case of a child, a helpful video can be found here). Upon receiving the samples, we take them in to the lab and conduct the analysis. The result provided is based on the samples which we receive.  We can deliver the results the next day – just place the correct order online or ask one of our staff to help you.  If you go this route, there can be no checks made on the identity of the person providing the incoming samples.

For a legal DNA tests ordered through our sister service, – a DNA test that can be used for legal purposes, then we have to be in control of the sample collection and we undertake a protocol to identify the person providing the samples.  This will be undertaken by one of our registered samplers or a medical centre if sampling is outside of the UK. The samples then come directly back to our laboratory – maintaining what is often called a “chain of custody”. This legal test can be used, for example, to change Birth Certificates, court proceedings, for Passport applications or Home Office applications.   Due to the extra work required, legal DNA tests are more expensive and sometimes our clients prefer to undertake a personal information (peace of mind) test beforehand.

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